Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sen. Burr faces tough race in N.C.

I have been extremely surprised by North Carolina's shift towards Democrats over the last election and it is appears as though that trend is not set to disappear. For President Obama to have taken the state, I saw this as one of the key victories for his campaign and it demonstrated some lack of appeal Republicans had within the state. Elizabeth Dole was removed from her seat in the Senate and now Richard Burr actually is trailing in the polls. When I worked as a Senate Page, Senator Burr was one of the few that I was actually able to meet for a little bit and he seemed like a really nice guy to me. He was very willing to chat with people and he seemed genuinely interested in others' points of view. Now whether or not that is the politician in him is questionable, but I hope he is able to gain back some of the loss of confidence his constituents have in him and make this thing a race again. Being an incumbent in a typically Republican state, should give him the advantages he needs, but with his opponent already high up in the polls it will take more of reaching back into the community and showing his constituents why they elected him in the first place.

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