Friday, March 27, 2009

Reid: Roberts 'didn't tell us the truth'

I find it bit too much for Senator Reid to be bashing Chief Justice Roberts' political opinions. It should have been obvious that he was going to be a conservative justice given the role President Bush pegged for him. There really is no basis for these attacks now especially since Chief Justice Roberts has not done anything outrageous that would cause the type of destruction Reid accuses him and Alito of having the ability to do. When we had the opportunity to meet with Chief Justice Roberts, I found him to be a very likable person who had a strong foundation in his opinions, which are the type of judges we need to uphold the laws of our country. Additionally, I do not see any purpose or gain that Senator Reid can achieve as a result of these comments. President Obama will likely have the opportunity to replace two members and just like his predecessors, he can chose whomever he feels will ensure that the constitutionality of our nation remains intact. The Senate's role is to act as an advisor, but when we start getting into party politics in deciding who is going to serve on the Court then we are doing it injustice. The way it plays out is that sometimes one political outlook will have the majority and other times the political outlook will shift in the opposite direction. That is the nature of the Court and regardless of one's political opinions, I see each member as doing what they believe is in the best interests of the nation and for that I cannot fault them. While Democrats may not be able to cause a shift in the near future, they do have the opportunity to put into people who they feel will serve their initiatives the best and as long as the judges do what they think is right then we have to let it play out.

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