Not another tax issue! Filling the position of Health and Human Services Secretary has already been hard enough, but now more problems have arisen with the next tax problem on the agenda. I don't see the errors Sebelius made as costing her a spot in the administration, but it just illustrates the point that paying your taxes is a tricky business. I had never thought that it was so difficult to get taxes paid properly before all of these issues came to light, but evidently many people make mistakes that go unchecked. I doubt that either Daschle or even Sebelius would have paid up the taxes they had failed to account for if not for wanting to be in the administration and going through the rigors. Yet, at least with Sebelius I do not see any extremely egregrious errors that would make you believe she was trying to hide something. Missed tax payments like from these key officials might not mean much seperately, but I guess when you look at the overall picture we could have been collecting a lot more under the previous administration and had we done so maybe some of the issues that Americans are looking to correct now would have been easier to deal with. With the April 15th deadline coming soon, you may just want to give yourself an extra review before turning it in because who knows what might show up if you plan on running for a political job in the future.
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