Sunday, March 29, 2009

Critics call WTC tower name change unpatriotic

One of the most awe-inspiring sights I have had the privilege of seeing was the World Trade Center Ground Zero. I can remember watching the towers go down in flames on television as a middle schooler and at the time I couldn't imagine what was going on or the magnitude it would have on our future. Going to Ground Zero reminded me of the many heroes who went up and risked their lives to save the lives of others and it represented a day of unity where the entire nation rose together and for once were all sharing a similar sentiment. I can understand how rebuilding on the site can be a sign of symbolism that whenever we are thrown down, we rise back up stronger and better than ever. That in and of itself is a very powerful message that I feel would show the world that we really will not let anything deter us from providing a safe and high quality of life to our citizens. I kind of liked the name Freedom Tower for the proposed new building, but if it has to be changed then I am amenable to the idea. The only problem I see with this large project is the idea that it will probably be another target on our back that potential enemies might attack given its symbolic nature. If the new tower becomes the biggest in New York then it serves in the same capacity as it did prior to the attack and that was one of the main reasons that the terrorists moved on that building in particular. Additionally, I am unsure how many businesses would be willing to move back into the site of such tramatic experiences or if even new businesses would feel safe enough to take a chance. That is something that we will have to deal with and conquer just like we have with other roadblocks in the past.

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