Saturday, March 28, 2009

Missouri's Carnahan in lead for Bond's seat

One of the key battleground races in the upcoming 2010 election will take place in Missouri with Senator Bond retiring. President Obama came pretty close to capturing the state and now that Bond is letting himself out of the political arena, Democrats are poised to take another seat in their quest for a filibuster-proof Senate. Rather than looking at some new blood, both parties appear to be interested in former state officials who already have some name recognition, which could come in handy to the independent voters who show at the polls. I would not be surprised to see the Democrats candidate Robin Carnahan take a victory because the Republicans are going to be in a battle against themselves before they can even start thinking about the Democrats. It is this advantage that I think will enable Carnahan to find faults in both her potential rivals and work on capitalizing on them right away. Yet, whomever makes it out the Republican primary will definitely be battle-tested and a strong competitor and so it should eventually come down to the wire just like President Obama's chances did in the state during the 2008 election.

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