Wednesday, April 22, 2009

USS Cole familes to get at least $200K

With all of the problems on the seas for Americans it is nice to see some good news come around for once. Even though it seems like forever ago that the USS Cole was attacked, I saw this incident as one of the main leadups to 9/11 and the war on terror. We cannot allow countries to harbor and support terrorists at the risk of our national security and forcing Sudan to pay back the families who were hurt by the tragic suicide bombing in 2000 teaches them a lesson that there will be consequences for their actions. Even though money cannot bring back the life of the sailors who died on the ship, we need to commemorate them for their honorable service and bravery and the money can help the families accomplish this on their own terms. The problem with forcing Sudan to pay up is that this is a country that could be using that money to solve some of its own problems, but until they commit to doing the right things we cannot allow them to continue on the wrong path. I hope that we can use what we have gained from this experience and translate it into better communication between the US and Sudan and a relationship where all involved can gain benefits.

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