Tuesday, April 28, 2009

5 members arrested after crossing embassy perimeter

I was really surprised to learn that some of our U.S. Congressmen were out on the streets protesting against Sudan in front of the Sudanese embassy. I applaud them for having the courage to do something that most people would not and fight for their beliefs. The problem with Sudan is saddening as too many people have died at the hands of their government. When Congressmen get out and voice their displeasure like normal people we can really see them as people just like us who care about things going on in the world. Even though they could have stood up on the House floor and spoke about Sudan, I am not too sure that it would have done as much for the cause as what they did at the embassy. They have been able to bring attention to a problem that many people have not heard about or cared enough to do anything about with their decision to get arrested yesterday. When interest groups like the Save Darfur Coalition are able to get their representatives to the fence in protest it goes to show how much influence they can have if they push the right issue. Although the issue is a tricky one for the U.S. to get involved in, if representatives do care about the situation as much as the ones who were out in protest, it looks like something can be done.

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