Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Missouri GOP concerned about Blunt

I feel that Republicans do not understand how they can best go after the Congressional races in 2010. The party has a great opportunity to get seats and maintain the tool of filibuster to curb Democratic policy agenda goals. Going to candidates that cannot fundraise properly or ones who are part of the old Washington political scheme will come back to haunt them if they move forward with candidates like Roy Blunt moving forward. Blunt could have been a valuable person in the past, but it is time to change the way citizens see the party and if he is struggling to raise enough money right now what makes us think he can do better in the future. With his wife and children in the lobbying industry they should be able to get him all the support he needs to pull off the campaign financing marks that he has to hit. Even though as Mr. Baker pointed out last week in our conversation about how he is reluctant to give money to people so close to what they are trying to get accomplished, this is a situation where lobbyists could get the influence they desire without having to do much except provide some much needed cash. The contacts that Blunt has in his pocket should have given him a much better financing picture, but unfortunately for him he is no longer in control of the nomination because of this.

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