Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Judge kills Blago reality show

I am disappointed by the judge's decision to limit the travel that Blago can make during his trial period. It would have been hilarious to see him in the jungle fighting for survival with other celebrities and would have given him the publicity he so desires. I cannot even imagine the backstabbing that he would do to get ahead in the game and go after the main prize. He is going to need all of the help he can get with his trial as it is pretty much a guaranteed he will get a plea of guilty and spend some time in jail. He is the ultimate publicity machine and would have actually made the show worth watching. NBC was smart to go after him for one of the spots because people would have tuned in solely to see him go on his rampage. Blago clearly doesn't care about what he has done in the past and for the judge to use it as the sole reason to prevent him from joining the show is silly. It is not like he is suddenly going to recognize his mistakes and wrongdoings anytime soon so why not give America another reason to gain some enjoyment out of his antics?

1 comment:

Emily said...

I disagree completely. The guy messed up and now he has to deal with the consequences. Entertainment be damned; this is what the American justice system is for.