Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fox news blows up over mother painting her son's toenails...

Really? The author of this article tries to link this J-crew ad, which shows a mother painting her toddler's toenails pink, to men and women not wanting to create a family and not wanting to serve the nation in combat. REALLY??


njDylan said...

I agree maggie, this is rediculous and I take personal offense. Being a twin, it was hard for my mother to tell my brother and I apart when we were just young babies (like weeks). So, she would paint one my toe nails red to know that I was Dylan. And I am pretty sure I do not need gender psychotherapy now! This is bologna.

Megan said...

I agree Maggie, stupidest thing I have ever read.

TJE said...

That explains a lot njDylan.