Friday, April 8, 2011

Why should I take the Tea Party seriously?

This is an honest question. I've done my best to give the new House Republicans the benefit of the doubt with a lot of their crusades and take their stances seriously. In some ways, I have found their hell-bent insistence on cutting spending to be admirable. But when you've gotten the cuts that your party originally demanded, only to double your demand just to make sure there couldn't possibly be an agreement made, and now put everyone on course for a government shutdown over Planned Parenthood funding because they couldn't find anything bigger to actually keep squabbling about, why the hell should I take any of them seriously? They're a sanctimonious bunch of cranks who think they're the only ones who could possibly know what's best for this country (because the obvious solution to our deficit issues is preventing abortion funding). They've claimed to be regular people coming to Washington to stop all the politicians from their meddling politicking, and yet here they are pulling the cheapest of political stunts by making the funding into a government into a debate about abortion. It's pathetic. Next thing you know they're going to vote for us to default on our debt this summer because raising the debt ceiling goes against God's will or something along those lines. /endrant


Roxy said...


Julia G said...

Could not agree more. They're acting like petulant children and all the while their favorability in the polls continues to plummet. Boehner needs to stop pandering to them and give them a serious reality check.

Megan said...
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ZAG said...

Democrats holding the House, Senate, and White House last year failed to pass a budget and you're blaming the Tea Party? If Pelosi, Reid, and Obama didn't punt the issue than this would not be happening right now. It was painfully clear to Democrats last fall that having this debate post-election cycle was politically more advantageous than actually doing their job. But of course, it's completely the Tea Party's fault!