Friday, May 8, 2009

GOP base rips Cantor's National Council for a New America

I think the Republican base is making a mistake in blasting the attempts of Eric Cantor and John McCain to go after some of the more moderate and independent voters. When we allow our parties to go to the ultimate extremes, then many people are left choosing between candidates that do not truly represent their ideals or values. Republicans should have learned from President Bush's error in nixing out the moderate Republicans from Congress because it ended up costing the party many seats in 2006 and 2008. Instead of focusing on the extremely conservative candidates, it is better to start out with the candidates who have a best shot to win the election. I think it is better to have a person in place who will vote with you the majority of the time than a person who will be voting against you on almost all key issues. Republicans may have to give a little to gain the votes they need to pass the most important types of legislation. In the real scope of things, abortion and same-sex marriage are not the biggest problems the nation is facing and so conceding a bit in those areas to gain support on fiscal proposals seems like a smart way to go.

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