Sunday, March 20, 2011

Joe Biden gaffe alert


PBM said...

It's not appropriate, but the analogy kind of works. Still, he could've used something not relating to rape to make this same point.

TJE said...

Rule 1: Avoid nazi comparisons
Rule 2: Avoid rape comparisons

Megan said...

We should probably be much more concerned about Sarah Palin (an ex-governer) making vague comparisons to guns than our Vice President comparing Republicans to people who blame rape victims.

PBM said...

You just can't get over this Sarah Palin thing, can you. The reason these are different is SP's could be seen as promoting violence "Don't Retreat, RELOAD." That is a clear reference to guns. She might not have meant that people should go reload their guns, but that is literally what she said. I don't think what Biden said was necessarily appropriate, but as an analogy it makes sense, and it definitely didn't encourage in any way any sort of potentially violent activity. Also, there are some GOP members that do like blaming rape victims: