Friday, October 9, 2009

More Marks Against Speaker Pelosi


evan said...

Thomas Jefferson wanted a wall of separation between church and state.

And now people are cheerleading a ban on federal funding due to religious reasons.

Gotta love how people are keeping with original intent!

evan said...

So because he wanted a nation of farmers, and that didn't pan out, he was obviously wrong about everything?

One of the really nice things about America is that we don't really care much about religion in our day to day lives. We kind of have pushed religion out of the public sphere. And that has its benefits! Jews and American higher education didn't go so well together for a while. Quotas, and all that. I probably couldn't have gone to Hamilton 60 years ago--and if I did the environment was almost undoubtedly hostile. The fact that we have established that "wall" makes life much more comfortable for religious minorities.