Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I thought health care was the most important issue in the House right now...

Thank you, Steny Hoyer, D-Md., who sponsored this waste-of-time measure with Democratic Whip James Clyburn, D-S.C. It's so comforting to know that you spent a day doing absolutely nothing productive.


Eddie A said...

I couldn't agree more. This was not only a complete waste of time, but a clear example of what the Democratic House considers its priorities SIX DAYS after being back in session. I'm sure no one, including Congressman Wilson himself, wishes that those two horribly fateful words "you...lie" ever escaped his lips. But after apologizing to the President, who was clearly the main target of his verbal attack, and receiving the President's forgiveness for his actions, the Democratic House still found it necessary to harp on the issue. It's laughable that Joe Wilson, a congressman from South Carolina, is the biggest threat to Congressional order at a time when we're debating over a complete overhaul of heath care, trying to rebuild the economy from a recession, and balance a multi-trillion dollar budget. It's nice to know that the Democratic congress will put the ever-so-urgent 46 million uninsured Americans on hold while we all sit down and draft a formal House resolution condemning a member for shouting two words during a speech. As inappropriate as it was, when are we going to get back to business? Or will this just be business as usual?

Kelsey said...

To be fair, the committees are working hard on perfecting their individual bills, ensuring compatibility with each other, and making sure that when they do come to the House/Senate floors, the bills that do pass will include significant health care reform legislation. They are not ready to be voted on just yet.

Although, I do agree that the hour that the House spent on Wilson's rebuke could have been better spent on other issues.

Chris Smith said...

What do you think the odds are of a House resolution calling for Obama to apologize for his Kanye comment? 50/50?