Thursday, September 24, 2009

Growing up in a town that has the words Wil, Bra, and Ham in its name, I’ve been forced to realize that I’m a small town girl, plain and simple. What’s Chipotle? Pink berry? Please don’t look at me like I’m insane, those places really don’t exist in small town Wilbraham. No, I’m serious, they really don’t exist where I’m from. Washington is a whole new world for me, providing so many more adventures and opportunities than I ever thought existed. Even after a month, I feel as though there are so many more things that I need to see and do, and not nearly enough time to do them. When I take a step back, however, I’m starting to see that Washington really isn’t that different from my small town roots. Maybe there are some more restaurants to go to, and it doesn’t take me 45 minutes to get to the nearest Whole Foods, but it still has the same feel as my home. You can find the same people strolling around with their dogs along the shady lanes of residential neighborhoods on Sunday. You don’t need to have a fashion meltdown before leaving the apartment because people wear whatever they want without feeling any need to dress to impress. Maybe what I really thought was a big city, is really just a bigger small town that I can call home for a little while. Who would have ever thought I’d call a city home? Certainly not me, but I guess we still have some time.

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