Friday, September 18, 2009

Conservatives use liberal playbook


"The left-wing rhetoric and symbolism are so thick on the right, in fact, that some conservatives have been taken aback by it: The logo for the Sept. 12 protest in Washington, which organizers called the 'March on Washington,' featured an image that looked so much like those associated with the labor, communist and black power movements that some participants objected to it — until they found out that’s what the designers were shooting for.""The irony thus far seems to have been lost on the left, however, which has mostly voiced either disbelief or derision that the conservatives would be so shameless — or so clueless. In Democratic Underground’s discussion forum, a photo of a marcher holding a 'Keep Your Laws of My Body' sign was captioned 'OK, the cognitive dissonance hasn't hit them yet.' And of the 9/12-ers’ logo, one poster on Stephen Colbert’s site asks, 'Did these guys grow a sense of humor overnight, or did they just skip history class?' "

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