Friday, October 16, 2009

NFL Owners Who Use the N-Word and Wet Their Pants On Stage


heckler said...

Minorities saying racial slurs = no problem?

I think it says more about the Miami Dolphins than the rest of the NFL.

Also, I'm not 100% sure but I think a key difference is that these are minority owners who have no real say on how the team is run or works. They're just celebrity faces (maybe not the most ideal faces). Rush Limbaugh was going to become a majority owner with executive power. I don't know if that makes a difference but it's something to think about.

And a last point, lyrics do not essentially equal beliefs; most of the time, and especially for the black eyed peas, they're written to sell records.

Will Bardeen said...

Way too much for my virgin eyes.

heckler said...

Well then I stand corrected. I read/heard on some sports site, the "official" reason he was dropped from the group is because some people were weary of whether he would keep the team in St. Louis. Only somebody with actual power can affect the relocating of a team, so if they were worried he would move the team, they must have thought he was getting majority power.

heckler said...

After looking at some archives, it seems I misread or misheard some things. You are right, he was to be a minority owner, but I guess after saying NFL games looked like fights between bloods and crips, the player's union was not exactly feeling Limbaugh.

heckler said...

Misplaced modifier...

after saying NFL games looked like fights between bloods and crips, Limbaugh was not on the best terms with the player's union.