Monday, November 21, 2011

The Thanksgiving Family Forum: Gingrich tells OWS to take a bath & get a job


wrusche said...

With an income of 2.6 million in 2010, I'm not surprised Newt is platforming for the 1%.

alexrued said...

He endorsed the Contract with America...I'm not surprised he's platforming for the 1% either. That doesn't make his argument on the premise of OWS false.

Will McCurry said...

Although strange that people seem to forget that the OWS movement actually has a higher employment rate than protestors in the Tea Party movement.

Characterizing the movement as lazy seems a little farfetched to me. For the most part these protestors are in fact employed people that protest AFTER work. They are tax-paying citizens and they have the right to use our public spaces as a podium for their political beliefs. As for the bath comment, well, protestors tend to be dirty...maybe Newt has a point there...

Cara said...

Not really surprised about the number of employed protestors. Those that there REI tents are expensive.