Thursday, March 3, 2011

The White House into a Mosque? Burqa Covered Statue of Liberty?

Sharia 4 America, a group pushing for the US to respect Islamic law, will be in front of the White House today from 1-4pm. They hope one day it will be called the White Masijd. A link to their website:
Let us be reminded: "Critics say the group’s radical ideas represent a very small fraction of the Muslim population and some questioned whether even Choudary will show up."


Ian Thresher said...

I think it is important to remember that this group comprises a very very small fraction of American Muslims...

Ross Perot said...

Actually, it is important to note that this 'movement' is led by a British cleric, so given that they postponed their 'demonstration' altogether, it would be misleading to suggest this group represents even a single American Muslim at this moment.

Considering that the website calls for pedophiles to be impaled on the Washington monument, and that they spelled burqa wrong, I'm not even convinced that the entire thing isn't a spoof.

Can't wait for Glenn Beck's thoughts, though!

Roxy said...

ah yes, I know. I updated the post to make that clear that we understand this is not a large group and their opinions reflect only their beliefs